Guiding Principles

The Outdoor Heritage Foundation of Alaska (OHFA) supports the professional management of Alaska’s natural resources to sustain our unique way of life through the establishment of an endowment account that the Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) may rely upon as a funding source. The establishment of an endowment may become a necessity in the future as hunter numbers have declined over the last 50 years and show no sign of increasing.  It is also the hope of the OHFA that those endowment funds would be utilized by the ADF&G to preserve the North American Model of Wildlife Management.  The basic tenets of that model are:

  • Wildlife is owned by the public as a common property resource
  • Wildlife should be managed under scientific principles and may include consideration for the continuation of healthy economies.
  • The public should be able to play a meaningful role in the management and allocation of wildlife resources


To implement a foundation endowment account through the acquisition of financial and non-financial resources.  Only the investment income may be withdrawn.  The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) shall be the primary beneficiary of grants awarded by the OHFA; however, other qualifying groups may apply.


We envision a future for Alaska’s people where sustainable fish and wildlife populations continue to support Alaskan hunting, fishing and outdoor traditions.