Outdoor Heritage Foundation of Alaska

OHFA is the non-profit whose support provides instructive and popular educational programs such as Becoming an Outdoors-Woman, Youth Shooting Leagues, and Alaskans A-Field.


The Outdoor Heritage Foundation of Alaska is the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s (ADF&G) non-profit established to ensure support for conservation, research and educational programs.  It is imperative that we are able to recruit and retain the best professional wildlife managers for Alaska’s wildlife resources. It is also important that the Department’s outdoor skills and education programs such as Becoming an Outdoors-Woman, Youth Shooting Leagues, and Alaskans A-Field are continued.  


Each of us can make that happen by giving a small donation each month.  Why is this important? Well unbeknownst to most Americans, anglers and hunters have been the main contributors to wildlife conservation and that source of funding may not be available in the near future as the numbers from those two activities continue to decline.  Americans love the outdoors and if we all want to preserve our astounding natural heritage, we need to take action to help preserve our inheritance. Like in the movie “Pay it Forward” we may choose to “save” our future by paying now.  Your great grandchildren and their great grandchildren will thank you for it. 


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